Getting a good currency exchange rate is important when traveling. Many people don't put much thought in to it, but small amounts add up fast when you're exchanging larger sums or traveling a lot.

If you're arriving at Suvarnabhumi (BKK) airport in Bangkok, Thailand - here's a tip. Ignore the dozens (and dozens) of currency exchange booths located all over the airport. You see them in the halls after you walk off the plane, in the baggage claim area, in the departure area, etc. They all basically have the same exchange rates and are around 2 baht / 1 usd higher than they should be. If asked, they won't tell you that there are cheaper rates nearby!
So ignore all these places and take the escalator to the lowest level. Just follow the signs for the Rail Link train. There are several exchange rate booths set up down there that have significantly better rates. All the currency exchange places are nearby so just take a quick walk around and pick the one with the best rate!
As of Dec 1, 2016 the baht conversion rate was 35.60 baht / 1 USD at the lower level. Upstairs it was 33.60 baht / 1 USD. This doesn't sound like a big difference, but if you are exchanging $500USD, that's a difference of around $28! Not bad for a 3 minute walk.